I got married September 21,2007 in Mexico. It was beautiful. Chris and I met in florida 5 years ago. I moved down there for a job, Harry J's on the bay. I went down to visit before I moved and my boss Ruth set me up on a blind date. Scary I know!!! I was set up with Jerrimy (chris's roommate and best friend). Through out the date Jerrimy says I was staring at chris the whole time, I don't remember that at all!! But anyhoo the date was fun. Jerrimy calls the next day to say he had a great time but there was no connection between us, which I agreed. So then he says but Chris liked ya here and hands the phone to him. We talked for a while and decided to get together when I got down there. So I moved down there and started dating chris!! Shortly there after The resturant was sold and i decided to move back home to Mo. Chris then moved up also and here we are now married. I am glad I took that risk and moved 12 hours away from home and met the man of my dreams!
1 So whatch think??:
Good Lord!! Quit torturing that poor girl!
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