I got married September 21,2007 in Mexico. It was beautiful. Chris and I met in florida 5 years ago. I moved down there for a job, Harry J's on the bay. I went down to visit before I moved and my boss Ruth set me up on a blind date. Scary I know!!! I was set up with Jerrimy (chris's roommate and best friend). Through out the date Jerrimy says I was staring at chris the whole time, I don't remember that at all!! But anyhoo the date was fun. Jerrimy calls the next day to say he had a great time but there was no connection between us, which I agreed. So then he says but Chris liked ya here and hands the phone to him. We talked for a while and decided to get together when I got down there. So I moved down there and started dating chris!! Shortly there after The resturant was sold and i decided to move back home to Mo. Chris then moved up also and here we are now married. I am glad I took that risk and moved 12 hours away from home and met the man of my dreams!
2 So whatch think??:
She is absolutely beautiful!!! You and Chris are great parents (so far!!!) LOL! So glad you joined our blogging world!!!!
She is absolutely adorable!! Glad to see you made it to the blogging world
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